Tammy on Tuesday »

The Other Side of “Yes”

The other day, I talked with a young mom with two adorable little girls (one about three years old and the other about eight months). We stood talking for quite a while, and I noticed these darling girls were so content and well-behaved. I looked down periodically and found the baby staring back at me from her car seat with a big grin, two teeny, tiny teeth peeking out through her smile. The mom shared with me that her great desire was to mother them well. She told me they are such precious, good little girls. I could see how much she loved them.

We carried on in conversation, and she told me she felt a wrestling inside. She said she felt God was stirring her, but she wasn’t sure to what. It wasn’t long before I realized one issue she faced was that she feared upsetting the routine of their lives in response to what God might be speaking to her heart for the sake of these precious girls. She feared giving up control. And I get it. Who would want to mess up this!? 

 As I began to comprehend her concerns, I told her, “You will never regret allowing the plans of God to upset your routine.” Don’t get me wrong; I made every effort while my children grew to create a safe and loving environment in our home. I do my best to teach them the truth and provide all they need to grow into healthy, strong adults in every way. However, over the years, when God prompted, we responded, even if it upset our plans or routine. And oddly enough, He always took care of my children and their needs in the process. Not a shabby deal to have the Sovereign God of the Universe watching over the ones I love while I walk in obedience to Him. I often have to remind myself that God created me for a purpose that HE intended to fulfill. All His works are good. I need only to say “yes.”

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Psalm 138:8

He desires to lead us in every area of life. Not just child-rearing. Do you know what I’ve found? EVERY TIME I stepped out into the unknown following after Jesus, I didn’t regret it. In fact, it revealed blessings that you cannot see or understand except for on the other side of “yes.” How can I describe the other side of “yes?” I guess the best word would be MORE.  

More living.

More faith.

More freedom.

More joy.

More JESUS. 

I’m wondering today. What keeps you from the other side of “yes?” What is God stirring inside you that you have reasoned away because it might “mess up a really good thing?” I trust the Holy Spirit is pressing in right now on hearts where God is working. 

Or let me flip this around. Perhaps you feel that the burden you bear right now is too overwhelming for you to answer the call of Jesus to step out in some way. Maybe you feel as though you couldn’t possibly add one more thing to your plate. You aren’t protecting a “really good thing.” You’re just trying to “hold things together.” But the call of Jesus is never a call to burden you down.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matt. 11:28-30

While I am at it, maybe God is calling you to leave a habit or heart attitude behind. It might be big, or it might be small. Maybe He’s asking you to follow Him to freedom from addiction and the brokenness that led you there. Unforgiveness. Bitterness. Shame. I could go on. But again, I trust that God is pressing in on your heart where you need Him to speak. He’s good like that.

Friend, all that is in God (love, joy, peace, freedom, wisdom, power, and more) is available to us through obedience to Him. It all lies on the other side of “yes.”

The simplicity of the life of a believer – a follower of Christ – is continually saying “yes” to His leading, day by day, moment by moment. Trusting Him. Allowing Him to guide you.  So, fully surrender your heart and plans to Him. Why?

This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. 

Psalm 18:30

Whether you are finding it hard to “let go of a good thing” or you are exhausted from “trying to hold things together,” I invite you to pray this prayer from Psalm 25:5 with me today.  (Father) Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

He is waiting for you. He is calling to you. He will give you comfort and rest. Maybe today’s the day to find out what’s on the other side of “yes.”

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