Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – The Importance of Fluidity


Whatever you do, do well.  Ecc. 9:10a

A couple of weeks ago, I had the great privilege to speak to a small group of ladies for the CWCA  (Christian Women’s Commerce Association) here in Delaware.  I remember, when my friend Dawn asked me to share, wondering what God would have me say.  I began to pray for His message to the ladies.

What did I have to say to Christian Women about business?  What had my experiences brought me to on the matter?  It came down to “The Importance of Fluidity.”

I remember, at the age of 15, surrendering my life to Jesus.  I had big dreams.  I wanted to do great things for God.  I was driven and hoped to take the fast track to success in the career world.  The question was, what would I do?

I believed God deserved excellence.  I believed with God all things are possible.  In fact, after graduating college, with a degree in Psychology, I went on to work at a missions organization.  There, after a few years, I found myself working as the president’s assistant.  Truly this was what God desired.  Hard work and a drive for success.  Right?  My motto would look a lot like the passage in Ecclesiastes.  “Whatever you do, do well.”  Let’s just say, I’ve learned a big lesson over the years!

I left that mission’s organization and not long after, began a singing ministry with my family – Calling Levi.  We traveled for over 10 years on the road, rising to a place where opportunities began to knock on our door more and more.  The possibility for national exposure was in our reach when God changed the plans, drastically.  He called us out of the traveling music ministry to plant a church.


It was during our time on the road that my sister and I started Luminosity Photography & Design.  Photography has always been a passion and we found that we could create a flexible work schedule that would not conflict with our traveling schedule.  It worked well.  God blessed.  He gave us an amazing studio at an amazing location.   It seemed logical that God would use Luminosity and the income we’d receive to help us transition from life on the road to life as church planters.PINIMAGE

Just after Christmas, our business partner and friend, Todd, came to us and told us it looked as though he would have to sell his property.  Our studio is ON his property.  Insert record scratch here.  CHANGE OF PLANS!   The “for sale” sign went up and the questions came.  What would happen to Luminosity?  Would we look for another location for our studio?  Does this mean this chapter is over?  Surprisingly, with all the questions, we were at peace.  In fact, we wondered what God might have up His sleeve – what was next on the horizon.

As I prepared to speak to the women, it dawned on my that I HAVE learned a lot over the years regarding Christian women and business.  And what I’ve learned has turned my driven ambition into child-like faith. 

I was able to bring it down to three simple thoughts for the ladies that night.  Although God desires for us to do things well, I’ve learned:

  1. To never let my business define me.  Whether it be singing or photography or being a pastor’s wife or working in the corporate world…God has taught me to allow Him to define my life and story.  I am His child first.  I learned this lesson in the many twists and turns of life.
  2. Surrender fully to God’s purposes and plans.  Full surrender helps me to keep “what I do” in the right place in my life.  It keeps me from defining myself by what I do instead of who I am in Christ. In this, I have come to understand that:
    1. A surrendered heart is always the most creative and alive.
      1. I have had more fun than ever since I fully surrendered my life and plans to The Lord.  It’s as though we are constantly on the move.  My opportunities are being re-defined continually.  In each new role, I’ve been able to develop the God-given desires with in me and that makes me feel fully alive!
    2. A surrendered heart safeguards you from the trap of the “big break”.  When you’re fully surrendered to God, you can stop striving and wishing.   You don’t have to beat yourself up if you feel that you “missed it.”
      1. If I could just get that promotion…
      2. If we could land that account…
      3. If the right person comes along…
      4. If we could just get that meeting…
  3. When there is a change of plans…CHANGE.  It’s a constant state of fluidity – def. the ability to flow.
    1. As I picture the course of my life, I see the many twists and turns I’ve experienced.  In the beginning I was like a big blob of sludge.  I would slowly and stubbornly mold my self into each and every turn.  I’d get there, but the process took a while.  As I’ve grown and learned, I’ve become more willing to approach the twists and turns of life and flow through them trusting God to guide.  He hasn’t failed me yet!

This was the message to the women that evening a few short weeks ago.  It’s my message to you today…whomever it may be, struggling with the course your life is taking.  God’s got a plan…He always does.
I leave you with a quote from my favorite author,

  “It is not your business to succeed, but to do right .  When you have done so, the rest lies with God.”  C S Lewis.

Oh, and I guess I should tell you, the for sale sign came down.  The property is no longer up for sale – yet another twist in my life story.  God is giving us more time in this chapter.  What about you?  Are you letting God define you?  Maybe there is a big turn up ahead.  Are you willing to flow?  Trust God.  Be His child first and leave the rest to Him!  You won’t be disappointed.  I promise!


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  • Jennie - Perfect timing for your wonderful message! Thank-you!

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