Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – The Forecast Calls for Rain


(Originally posted May 1, 2012)

The forecast for the next three days calls for rain.  Reminds me of a recent “teachable moment” I was blessed to experience.

On Saturday night just a week ago, I settled into bed early.  Sundays are always big for our family and I’ve come to realize a good night’s rest is imperative.  The kids had their baths and the house was quiet.  Mark was down in his chair preparing for Sunday’s message.

Just before I turned out the light, a storm blew in and thunder began to roll.  At that moment, I saw Hudson, our 10 year old, in our doorway.   He asked if he could lay in our bed until dad came up.  He’s at an age where it’s not necessarily cool to say he felt apprehensive about the storm so instead of probing, I told him to jump in.

The wind really picked up and the lightning filled our room with a blue glow.  Every time the thunder pealed, Hudson would inch closer to me. He was clearly shaken by the intensity of the weather beating at our window as if it were demanding to come in.

After a few minutes of listening to the storm, Hudson said to me, “Mom, I don’t really like rain.”

Taking my cue and realizing this is one of those times where a wise parental comment should be given, I said, “Well, Bud, we need a little rain every now and then.”

My response seemed to satisfy Hudson.  Maybe it was the confidence in my voice.  In it, he could hear that I was not alarmed by the wind, the lightning, the thunder.   Before I could blink, he was already sleeping there at my side.  I listened as his breathing slowed and he fell into a deep, deep sleep.  Then I was left with my thoughts and the rain on my windows.

           It’s true, you know…what I told Hudson.  We do need a little rain every now and then.

Rain leads to green pastures.  Drought leads to barrenness and fallow ground.  
Nothing grows where there is no rain!

How many times have I said to God, “I don’t like the rain!  I don’t like what is pouring down on my life right now!”  I have heard God’s response to my heart…”You need a little rain every now and then.”  As I considered this truth, I thought about this simple illustration God used to speak to me about His protection and infinite wisdom in the storm.

My thoughts turned in my head:

When the storm began, Hudson came looking for me for comfort and safety and as the storm grew stronger, he inched closer to me.  Isn’t it the same with God?  I often don’t seek God until the rain begins to fall…and when the storms rage, I then draw closer and closer to Him…

As that thought left me, another took it’s place. I began to wonder about all of the times in his life Hudson may have been scared and chose to stay in his bed instead of coming to me for comfort?  The thought of it pained me.

I love him so much!  Certainly Hudson must know he can ALWAYS come to me!  I would never want him to spend one moment feeling alone and gripped with fear!…Not when I’m right here to comfort him.

The fact is, Hudson was faced with a choice:  Staying in his bed, he would have been frozen – hiding under his blankets.  Or, coming to me, he would find safety and comfort.  I’m glad he chose to come.  And I can tell he is too!  It is evident as I watch him now sleep peacefully.

The storm didn’t stop but that didn’t matter to Hudson. When I draw close to God in the storm, I will always be in His safe keeping, even if He chooses not to stop the rain.  After all, He commands the winds and rain to obey.  (Matthew 8:27  The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!”)

When I told Hudson not to be afraid, he trusted what I said to him and rested in my words.  Do I trust God like that?

As God protects me in the storm, my faith in Him grows.  I realize I do not need to rely on my own strength.  I do not need to cower in fear.  I simply need to inch closer to Him.  With God at my side, I no longer need to fret and worry about the storm. I can rest in knowing He is with me.

I have to be honest, I’ve come to realize in a big way that the rain will come. I also know that I can run to God when the storm hits.  This moment with my son helped me to understand the perfect example of what my response to God should always be and why.  His love and power are greater than the storm!

Maybe you can take a cue from Hudson…He’s a simple picture of what the Bible says in Psalm 4:8  In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe.

Take comfort in knowing that you can run to God for protection in the storm you find yourself in right now.
I want to leave you with the lyrics to a song my mom used to sing to me as a child when I was afraid:  (It’s an old hymn by Mildred Leightner Dillon)

Safe am I, Safe am I,

In the hollow of His hand;

Sheltered o’er, sheltered o’er

With His love forever more

No ill can harm me, No foe alarm me,

For He keeps both day and night,

Safe am I, safe am I,

In the hollow of His hand.

Today, as the rain falls outside, I hope you’ll remember to rest in God’s sufficiency and His desire to keep you safe.

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  • Stephanie - Just what I needed this morning Tammy!

  • Kim DeGraff - Thanks, Tammy! Beautifully written!

  • carol - This is so true…a lesson I’ve learned more than once.So thankful to God when I finally get over myself and turn to Him, He is there waiting patiently with arms wide open.Thanks for a sweet reminder of His unfailing love.

  • Stefanie - Love iit, thanks Tammy. 🙂

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