Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Bloom In Adversity


Early this morning I was coming in from a walk and noticed a small pansy in our front yard that had poked its head up through the dry grey ground.  It was a tiny bloom but it’s vibrant colors of violet and yellow created a stark contrast to all the dull lifeless grass around it.  I found myself saying, “Well,where did you come from?”


I thought…wow, beauty in the midst of adversity.  I mean, this IS the time of year for adverse weather.  It’s February – time for snow and icy temperatures.  Instead, here in Delaware, the temperatures have been unseasonably warm.  I guess that’s why the pansy shot up for an early introduction.

Of course, as many life experiences do, the pansy spotting gave God an opportunity to speak to my heart about His perspective on life…on the way I can live my life.  If I’m not careful, in the adverse conditions of life, I can be cold and drab, blending in with the grey terrain around me, exhibiting no beauty or uniqueness at all.

The fact is, flowers come when conditions are favorable.

Does my life exhibit beauty only when conditions are favorable?  How does the unique power of God prove it’s authenticity in me if I’m only blooming in favorable conditions?

I considered, if there had been a meadow of blooming flowers…this tiny bud would have certainly been overlooked.  So what makes it remarkable to me?   It bloomed when it was least expected.

This illustration reminds me of a story I read earlier this week in my quiet time.   A Chinese pastor by the name Watchman Nee tells the story of a Christian man who would work hard every day to pump water from an irrigation stream into his rice field.  Every night, his neighbor whose land was at a slightly lower elevation, would breach the dividing wall so that the water would drain into his rice field.  Once the Christian man found out about what had been taking place, he went to his friends for advice.  One fellow Christian told him to do what frankly seems unthinkable. “The next time you set out to water…water your neighbor’s field first.”

(Can you see the bud beginning to break through the soil? This is how someone blooms in adversity.)

He went to work watering both fields and the neighbor was dumbfounded.  This neighbor knew his acts were wrong! Yet his actions were met with absolute grace.  This act of love brought the neighbor to eventually accepting the powerful love of Christ for himself.

Okay, so here’s the lesson I am learning.  Life is full of adversity.  The conditions will not always be favorable.  In those conditions, I can react in a way that causes me to blend in to the lifeless terrain or I can tap into the life God has placed in me through Christ and bloom.

Consider this…what grey dreary field in your life needs a little pop of color?

How can you show the Love of God to someone who doesn’t deserve it?

In what way can you approach situations in your life exhibiting the beauty of Christ?

I challenge you to do it and feel the warmth of the Son on you as you bloom.

I want to leave you with a passage of scripture to help us bloom in adversity:
But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. 40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. 41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. 42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.  43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’* and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. 48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.   Matt 5: 39-48


Okay, I’m gonna be honest, lately I have had this hankerin’ for peanut butter.  No I’m not pregnant!!  That would be crazy!  I’ve just been craving peanut butter left and right.  So, I’ve found myself really enjoying peanut butter pretzel nuggets! PINIMAGEMany of you have probably tried them but if not…today is your lucky day. You can enter to win this weeks blog drawing for a bag of Herr’s Pretzel Nuggets.  But beware, you may find you just can’t stop.

Comment on today’s blog post and you will be entered into the drawing.  Happy Tuesday everyone!

AND THE WINNER IS…Jennie.  You’ve won a complimentary bag of Herrs Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels.  Please contact us with your mailing information and we’ll get it right out to you!


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  • Rachel McDowell - This was a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing– I am always learning!

  • Todd - Tammy,without adversity, we may never see Gods greatness! Great T.O.T,!!

  • Jen Griffin - Wonderful words! I have been studying the book of Joshua and this reminded me of Rahab. The flower…blooming amidst adversity and hard times. She trusted God and did as He told her to do and was saved. Love this TOT! 🙂

  • Jennie - Thoroughly enjoyed today’s message – lots of times we have to think outside the box and try to see things from a different perspective, always looking for the good in whatever circumstance. Thank-you, Tammy!

  • Lisa - I’m so excited I found you guys! I love following other Christian photographers!–Lisa

  • Kristi - Tammy, this is just what I needed today. I am in an “adverse” situation with an “adverse” person. I was challenged to continue to pray for them & look for ways to show them the Son that is in me. Thank you!

  • Kari Teachout - I enjoy reading your thoughts. Excited and praying for you and the gang with your new endeavor with Lifehouse, but sad I won’t see you out in Indiana every year. 🙂

  • Matt - my favorite TOT yet! THX for making me think! 🙂

  • Stefanie Roselle - Tammy – loved the blog today. To me, the flower represents Lifehouse…it popped up in front of me when I least expected it. And I’m so happy I stopped to notice. 🙂 See you tonight!

  • Carrie Barnhouse - Great post! Thanks for sharing! Trying to bloom inspite of adversity. <3

  • Fran Antonio - I so enjoying every Tues reading your page! It really puts things into light on how we live our everydy life and the people and challanges we come across everyday! This definatly will change my way of thinking today!! Thank you!

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