Tammy on Tuesday »

The Nagle Family {Delaware Family Photographer}

We’ve enjoyed photographing this family for quite some time now!  They first came to us when she was expecting her 2nd little guy.  Not long ago we photographed him as a tiny newborn.  Then before we knew it, his six month session came along.  At his one year shoot he’s beginning to take on the look of a little boy, already walking in dad’s foot steps as you’ll see below.  Like so many of our babies we were shocked to hear he was One already!  How is it that time passes so quickly?  We had a great time with the family on the day of the shoot.  The boys loved exploring and discovering all of the animals and bugs around!  We probably would have been just as happy without the bugs!PINIMAGE





Oh how emotionally draining it can be to be One sometimes!  It really didn’t take long for his frown to turn into a smile.


It truly is amazing what a ball can do for a little boy.



Love expressed…just not always as gently as mom.



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